Skoyah Dinda

Lagi liat n baca ulang ini di kompie.
Dinda deketin.
Trus nunjuk foto yang ada di situ sambil bilang, “Skoyah Dinda!”
Maksudnya sekolah Dinda…
Dua hari yang lalu emang bawa Dinda ke sana, liat2 sekalian nyari informasi pendaftaran dan school fee.
Soalnya Dinda udah mulai ga betah kalo dibawa ngaji sama ibunya. Sementara ibunya merasa perlu banget ngaji. Buat ngisi ruhiyah, ngingetin ulang yang sering dilupakan ato pura2 dilupakan, menguatkan ikatan dgn Allah secara iman kan naik-turun, n nambah ilmu karena saya kan harus ngajarin anak2. Klo ibunya ga ada ilmunya gimana mo ngajarin ya.
Umur Dinda juga udah 2.5 taun ntar Agustus, ga terlalu kemudaan buat mulai sosialisasi di sekolah. Mulai main ama temen2 drpd bengong nunggu ibu. Dia juga udah selalu minta turun ikut teteh klo nganter teteh sekolah.
Hobi juga pake seragam sekolah tetehnya.
Jadi mulai nengok2 sapa tau mulai bisa sekolah dalam waktu deket.
Pertama denger tentang sekolah ini dari Ms. Siti Fulton. Kayaknya beliau ini puas banget masukin Adam, anaknya yang waktu itu 2,5 taun, ke tempat ini setelah puas nyari2 dan trial di pre-school sekitar Bukit Antarabangsa sampe Mutiara. Makanya kemaren waktu mulai ngecek2 buat Dinda, yang pertama kali didatengin ya sekolah ini.
Waktu di sana sih Dinda diem aja, ditanya mau ga sekolah di sini juga tetep aja diem sambil minta gendong erat2.
Jadi feel surprised deh waktu Dinda nunjuk2 foto sekolah ini sambil bilang, “Skoyah Dinda!”
Sippp, udah mau sekolah ya Dinda 🙂

Grow a little older

Long time no write, the kids grow a little bit older. Raisha just celebrated her 4th birthday last month. She now became more independent. Eat, shower, pee, and brush her teeth by herself. It helped me so much to lower my load at home as her younger sister becoming more and more active.
Her academic potency was progressing as mentioned in the year end report from school. I guess I don’t need to worry about that.
Instead of latin alphabet she learnt at school, she also has started to learn arabic hijaiyah. At this moment she’s in the second book of Qiroati.
Her short daily prayers/supplication (du’a) memorization started to slow down, not as fast as when she was 3, but it might caused by me. I think I have tought her all the daily prayer I had so I have to improve myself first before teaching her new du’a.
Anyway, she got the first prize for du’a recitation in the Ramadhan Weekend Special for kindergarten class 🙂

She has started to memorize short surah (juz ‘amma) and alfatihah. Child is very fast when it comes to memorize something. So I need to add my recitation of juz ‘amma, otherwise she will beat me hehe (I remembered Ust. Muntaha reminded us a lot about this, “Masa dari SD sampe sekarang hafalannya cuman dari AnNaas sampe AdhDhuha aja.” Gubrags, tersindir berat).

Raisha also paid a great attention to music. For the last three month she has started to learn piano lesson at Yamaha Music Course and looked like she really enjoys.

Meanwhile Dinda is 1.5 year old now. Her vocabularies were still limited to bapak, teteh, mamam, mimi. Luckily her gross motoric skills were progressing a lot. She now could climb the stairs without help (and made my heart almost stop beating), unfasten her harness in the car seat (and climb down the carseat to reach me while I’m still driving, omG), climb the chair up and down, etc.
Her fine motoric skills were improving as well. She could feed herself (and make a big mess rightafter), scribble (including on the wall hiks hiks), and play with lego.
She’s also a real copycat. She copied everything she saw which made her interested such as brooming the house, combing the hair, calling with the telephone (and made the home phone broken) singing and dancing to the rhytme she heard.

One thing that made me feel very surprised about her was that she often went to the toilet when she need to poo; took off her pants and diaper by herself and asked me to carry her to the watercloset.

End of Year Report

General Comments

Raisha can initiate communication with others displaying greater confidence during role play. She uses language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences during role play. She interacts with others in a variety of contexts, negotiating plans and activities and taking turn in conversation.
Raisha enjoys music and movement. She sings to familiar tunes and enjoys participating in action songs. In literacy, Raisha identifies letters in lower case and their corresponding sounds. She forms some of the letters correctly and produces neat work.
In numeracy, Raisha is able to count, identify, and write numbers 1-10 independently. She however needs a little help from teacher to form some of the numbers correctly.
Raisha recognises differences in quantity when comparing sets of objects. She enjoys completing simple addition and substraction.
Raisha look forward to Physical Education lessons. She follows instruction given by teacher and completes task without much difficulty. She is currently learning to throw and catch balls, bounce balls and balance the beanbag.

Looks like I don’t need to worry about her going into reception class (feeder class for year 1). Actually, I was not expecting her to go up to the next level. At first, I thought to just let her stay in kindergarten to give her more time to play as reception class is much more serious and strict. Unfortunately, Mutiara will cease the kindergarten operation starting next term and will provide two reception class for Year 1 feeder. So, yes, starting September, she will be in reception class. Her class teachers said that I didn’t need to worry since she was doing very well in her class; her report ranged from good to very good, she was mature, always happy at school and very independent. Good job, Raisha!

*picture taken by professional photographer 🙂

Udah Setaun Ajah…

AlhamduliLlah, setelah cukup lama merasakan “kitchen blue”, yang bikin tersiksa tiap kali ada di dapur, akhirnya mood nge-dapur mulai kembali 2 minggu belakangan ini. Dah ga tersiksa lagi kalo harus masak. Beneran ya masak itu kalo pake mood yang bagus, cuman goreng tempe mendoan aja jadi enak. Kalo lagi kitchen blue…, dah sambil tersiksa masaknya, makannya juga tersiksa, soalnya kadang rasa makanannya juga jadi ga enak.

Karena sudah ga kitchen blue tea, hari Kemis kemaren waktu Adlia tepat berusia setaun, nyempetin masak nasi kuning beserta lauk-pauknya. Ga banyak macemnya karena dibatasi oleh jam bangun neng Dinda tea. Mengingat hari Kamis waktunya kuliah tafsir Ustadz Muntaha yang tentu saja terlalu sayang untuk dilewatkan, maka masak baru bisa waktu dinda tidur sore sepulang jemput tetehnya sekolah. Berhubung dia tidur sore cuman sejam (hiks hiks.., padahal tetehnya masih tidur tuh), jadilah penampakan nasi kuning yang sederhana tapi istimewa. Istimewa karena dibuat penuh cinta :D.
Sebenernya pagi2 udah sempet masak nasi kuning juga buat sarapan, tp berhubung beras terbatas alias ga ketauan dah abis, jadi cuman bikin dikit. Siang pulang sekolah, si teteh bolak balik makanin nasi kuning yang tersisa sampe abis. Akhirnya ya masak lagi dee…

Ga kerasa euy udah setaun aja. Rasanya baru kemaren lahir. Abis ni anak ada pada kondisi sangat antengnya lama banget kali ya… Enam bulan pertama kan anteng sekali, ga banyak nyusahin. Mulai umur 6 bulan baru perlu perhatian ekstra karena dah banyak gerak. Umur 10 bulan mulai minta jalan titah2 dan ga mau lagi disuruh jalan sendiri di baby walker. Menjelang setaun dah pinter manjat2 padahal belum berani jalan. Tapi kalo manjat2, mungkin karena sambil pegangan, dia malah berani. Kalo ada di kamar main di atas ranjang, bawaannya bolak balik naek turun tempat tidur, mentang2 udah bisa. Berdiri dan jalan biasanya kalo lagi ga sadar, kalo sadar buru-buru turun ke bawah hehehe…

Selain manjat2 dan naik turun ranjang, hobi lain adalah narik2 kabel, maen air; baik itu ngocorin air dari kran dispenser maupun cipak-cibung maen air yang ada di closet… ih jorok… Makanya dinda suka banget diajak berenang. Sejak pertama nyemplung ke kolam renang, ga ada takutnya, langsung ketawa2 girang gitu di kolam.
Dia juga suka banget maen di kolong meja, bantuin ibu jemur baju (maksudnya maen2 di jemuran kalo ibu jemur baju, serasa maen di playground aja).
Itulah sebabnya, agak susah ninggalin dia sendirian. Soalnya kalo meleng sedikit aja emaknya, suka ada aja kejadian near miss ato bahkan catastrophic failure.
Akhirnya, semua kegiatan masak dan bebenah rumah biasanya ditunda menunggu dia tidur.

Karena umur udah setaun, mulai deh Dinda makan table food. Meski tetep ga bisa dibilang banyak, tapi makan table food dia lebih semangat. Lebih banyak yang masak.
Mulai belajar minum cow milk, kayaknya sih ga ada masalah.
Udah bisa minum dari gelas, bisa juga minum pake sedotan, tapi dia seneng banget semburin lagi kalo ga diawasin 😀
Giginya baru 2, di bawah…
Kalo pengen sesuatu udah bisa minta, cukup dengan nunjuk2 pake mulut (mulutnya dimonyongin ke arah yang dia mau) sambil teriak2, “Aa, aa, aa..”
Sementara, ngomongnya sih baru dikit; bapak, teteh, dan mamam (huhuhu… ibu-nya ga ada).










AlhamduliLlah… lulus ASI Eksklusif 🙂
Meski tantangannya ga seberat waktu nyusuin Raisha yang ditinggal ke kantor, ditambah lagi dari awal dah milih baby friendly hospital sehingga ga pernah kebobolan susu formula… tetep aja bersyukur dan seneng banget bisa lulus ASI eksklusif. Soalnya kekhawatiran sih tentu aja tetep ada… Kuatir ga cukup ASInya, kuatir sakit, dan kuatir-kuatir laen yang sering bikin gagal program ini.
Di saat orang lain mulai puasa, Dinda malah mulai makan… “Hueks, ga enak Bu…!” gitu kali katanya kalo dah bisa ngomong… Pdhl ibu udah dengan penuh cinta lho nak, nyuci dan jemur beras, ngegiling, masak bubur, dan meres ASI buat bikin bubur susu, makanan pertamamu.
Maju terus pantang mundur…, besok coba lagi deh

Pierced Ears

Hi everyone, I have no puncture on my earsFor some, piercing a baby daughter’s ears is a cultural or family tradition. For others, it’s a way of making it perfectly clear to the world – before there’s enough hair to hold in a clip – that their child is a daughter and not a son. Whatever the motivation, it’s popular to pierce a little girl’s ears when she’s barely out of the cradle. But while the practice may fare well in popular opinion, it doesn’t fly well in the medical community. One reason is concern that an infection at the site of the puncture could get out of hand in a young child before the parent is aware of it. Infections are common in the first few months after piercing, and most young children are unable to report that an ear is itchy, sore, or tender (though some will pull at their ears or cry when earing inserted). As a result, the early signs of infection can easily go unnoticed.
The earrings themselves can also pose a problem; a young child could take them out to play with (or they could fall of in her hands), than stick herself with or swallow one or more of the parts. So most doctors recommend that the procedure be put off until a child is at least 4, and preferably closer to 8 years old.

If you nevertheless opt to get your toddler’s ears pierced, be sure the procedure is performed under sterile condition, by someone who is qualified (check with your daughter’s doctor for a recommendation). After the procedure, clean the lobes daily by dabbing them with a cotton wool ball saturated with nubbing alcohol or with hydrogen peroxide (which may be less drying) and rotate the earings each morning (to keep them from sticking to the holes). If you notice any signs of infection (redness, swelling, pus or crusting, tenderness or bleeding) call your child’s doctor. And do not allow your child to wear dangling earrings; they can be pulled by other children (or by the child herself), possibly tearing the ear lobe. If your child starts trying to remove her earrings or play with them, stop inserting the earrings and let the holes close up. You can always have the ears pierced again when your child is a little older and more responsible.

Dikutip dari What to Expect the Toddler Years
untuk menjawab pertanyaan mengapa Raisha ga ditindik