End of Year Report
General Comments
Raisha can initiate communication with others displaying greater confidence during role play. She uses language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences during role play. She interacts with others in a variety of contexts, negotiating plans and activities and taking turn in conversation.
Raisha enjoys music and movement. She sings to familiar tunes and enjoys participating in action songs. In literacy, Raisha identifies letters in lower case and their corresponding sounds. She forms some of the letters correctly and produces neat work.
In numeracy, Raisha is able to count, identify, and write numbers 1-10 independently. She however needs a little help from teacher to form some of the numbers correctly.
Raisha recognises differences in quantity when comparing sets of objects. She enjoys completing simple addition and substraction.
Raisha look forward to Physical Education lessons. She follows instruction given by teacher and completes task without much difficulty. She is currently learning to throw and catch balls, bounce balls and balance the beanbag.
Looks like I don’t need to worry about her going into reception class (feeder class for year 1). Actually, I was not expecting her to go up to the next level. At first, I thought to just let her stay in kindergarten to give her more time to play as reception class is much more serious and strict. Unfortunately, Mutiara will cease the kindergarten operation starting next term and will provide two reception class for Year 1 feeder. So, yes, starting September, she will be in reception class. Her class teachers said that I didn’t need to worry since she was doing very well in her class; her report ranged from good to very good, she was mature, always happy at school and very independent. Good job, Raisha!
*picture taken by professional photographer 🙂